Satyam Test paper Gurgaon
Q. Does company have its own form or uses standard placement form?
A. Yes, the company uses the standard placement form.
Q. Does company apply the shortlist to the resumes submitted?
A. Yes, company applies shortlist to the resumes submitted.
Q. Is the shortlist qualifying in nature or eliminatory (merit based)?
A. The shortlist is mostly eliminatory in nature.
Q. What is normally the ratio of shortlist. (i.e. how many people are shortlisted vs. applied)?
A. The ratio varies depending on the requirement. General ratio is around 1:3.
Q. Is there advantage for work ex guys?
A. Yes, work experience is given due weightage.
Q. Is there a leaning towards particular background of students in the shortlist?
A. Yes, there is general preference for engineering background.
Q. Does grad matter in the shortlist?
A. Yes but not too much.
Q. What role does extra-curricular activities plays in the shortlist process?
A. Extra-curricular are not important
Q. What qualities should the candidate highlight in his/her resume?
A. Hardworking, technically sound, a tradeoff on communication skills is also there in lieu of strong tech skills
Q. What is the biggest mistake a candidate can make in his/her resume?
A. Highlighting Communication skills and other soft skills, people here are looking for hardcore technical skills.
Written Test
The company does not conduct any written test.
Group Discussions
GD is not a art of the recruitment process.
Case Studies
case studies are not a part of the recruitment process.
Group situation
recruitment process does not comprise of any group situation.
Preliminary Interview
Q. Does company conducts preliminary interviews?
A. Yes, there is one interview before the final Interview.
Q. Is this step qualifying or eliminatory? If eliminatory then normally what is the ratio of shortlist?
A. This is eliminatory in nature
Q. What is the duration of interview /number of panelists?
A. Generally interview lasts for around 20 minutes and the no. of panelists are around two-three.
Q. How does the interview start?
A. Interview starts by panelists asking you personal questions.
Q. What types of questions are asked in the interview?
A. Subject, technical skills, problem solving, puzzles are given to solve,
Q. Does company create situations akin to 'stress interview'? Describe some?
A. No, not really. Its quiet a relaxed atmosphere
Q. Is company trying to test the candidate's integrity( give a sample question if possible)?
A. Generally no specific questions, but yes through personal questions and other details your integrity is under scrutiny.
Q. What do you think the company trying to assess in the candidate during the interview?
A. Company tries to assess subject knowledge & analytical skills
Q. What type of environment is there during the interview ?
A. Interview is held in quiet relaxed and formal atmosphere.
Q. What type of dress code is suitable for the company?
A. Be formal
Q. How does the interview end?
A. Interview panel thanks you for your time.
Q. Does the company repeat interview questions?
A. Not really, except the ones like, tell me about yourselff?
Q. How can a candidate better prepare hmself for the interview?
A. Refresh the technical fundamentals and other technical stuff
Q. Does company make spot offer during the interview?
A. Since this is a preliminary interview, no spot offers are made in this round,
Q. What is the biggest mistake a candidate can make during the interview?
A. Candidate should hesitant or stick to one point on an issue.
Final Interview
Q. What is the duration of interview /number of panelists?
A. Generally one-two panelists are there in an interview panel.
Q. How does the interview start?
A. The Interview normally takes off from the previous round.
Q. What types of questions are asked in the interview?
A. Personal, ethical, superficial technical ones.
Q. Does company create situations akin to 'stress interview'? Describe some?
A. No, stress interview is generally not there. But sometimes it might be there.
Q. Is company trying to test the candidate's integrity?
A. No
Q. What do you think the company trying to assess in the candidate during the interview?
A. Company tries to assess the Rechecking the cultural fit and the technical knowledge of the candidate.
Q. What type of environment is there during the interview (tense /relaxed /formal /non-formal)?
A. Relaxed atmosphere is there at the interview.
Q. What type of dress code is suitable for the company? (formal /semi formal /informal)?
A. Formal dress
Q. How does the interview end?
A. Interview ends with panelists wishing best of luck, leaving no clues about what was decided
Q. Are interview questions repeated by the company?
A. Generally no.
Q. How can a candidate better prepare himself for the interview?
A. Be Strong in the technical skills, lead the interviewer to skills which the candidate is strong on
Q. Does company make spot offer during the interview?
A. No, spot offers are not made.
Q. What is the biggest mistake a candidate can make during the interview?
A. showing a fixed attitude.
Higher entry
Q. Does company consider higher entry for the candidates with work ex?
A. Yes, there is a higher entry for people with general work experience.
Q. Does company apply any cut off for the work ex or age (if yes what are these?)
A. No, cut off is not applied by the company.
Q. What is the difference between entry level of people with and without work ex?
A. There is no difference of 2-3 years between people at entry level and people with work experience.
Q. In giving the weightage does company look for relevant work ex?
A. Very much, even shortlisting is done on the basis of relevant work ex.
Q. What is the total compensation offered by the company at entry level? and after confirmation?
A. Functional team entry level Rs. 2.25 lakhs at entry level for Engg/graduate + MBA
Tech. Team entry level Rs. 1.6 lakhs for Engg. Graduate
The career path would be :
Functional team
Sr. Associate
Associate consultant
Sr. Consultant
Prin. Consultant
Q. Is salary negotiable?
A. No, salary is not negotiable.
Q. Does company provide accommodation?
A. No
Q. What are the other benefits offered by the company?
A. Apart from the basic salary, all those in sales get performance incentives, which is earmarked as a % of the basic. This is done during the appraisal, which is done semi annually.
Q. What are the job locations? initially / after confirmation?
A. Functional guys are normally stationed at Hyderabad, Chennai and will have to move to client sites when ever projects need them to be there.
These sites may be domestic locations or international ones.
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